Our Products

Intellegent Conflict Resolution

Intelligent Conflict Resolution

AS&T trajectory analysis and optimization software predicts conflicted aircraft and automatically develops mitigation strategies that delivers optimized trajectories for each aircraft affected by the airspace closures. The mitigation options are optimized to ensure separation standards, performance, and equipage are considered. These options can be tailored to the preference of the user’s special consideration. Some example include:

  • Minimum Deviation
  • ATCSCC Playbook Conformance
  • Minimal Delay
  • Ground Delay
  • Miles in Trail
  • Separation Standards
  • Flight Cancelations

Airspace Analysis

Airspace Analysis

AS&T has a proprietary Airspace Analysis software suite that provides users comprehensive insight into the National Airspace System. The software has the capability to model, simulate, and visualize various airspace events or constraints and generate reports containing metrics on the predicted or historical impacts. For each scenario the software calculates metrics at both that overall NAS level and the impacts to each individual flight. These Metrics Include:

  • Discrete Flight Count
  • Predicted Excess Distance in nautical Miles
  • Predicted Delay in Minutes
  • Flight cancelations
  • Controller workload
  • Excess Fuel Burn
Data Sources

Data Sources

AS&T collects an assortment of data for Air and Space Mission Planning, including but not limited to:

  • IFR Traffic Data
  • ADS-b Data
  • ASDE-X (Aircraft surface movement)
  • Flight Plans
  • Preferred and ATC Cleared Routes
  • FAA Playbooks
  • Weather
  • New NAS Entrants (Commercial space, UAVs, etc...)

High Fidelity Airspace Visualization

High Fidelity Airspace Visualization

AS&T provides high fidelity airspace visualization to their customers. Being proactive and understanding the flight path scenarios from ground level to 60,000 ft helps us pinpoint any possible cause of an anominally to ensure the saftey of all air travelers.

Visualization Capabilities

Visualization Capabilities

Airspace Visual Display (AVID™) is a "fast-time/real-time" situation display process that shows flight progress, user-controlled geographic information, airspace structures, and other user-controlled geographic information. Avid™ provides the option of displaying the graticule (geographic latitude/longitude grid), continents, lakes and wind maps and weather radar images, next to the following user-selectable air traffic control (ATC) components:

  • Airports
  • Flight trajectories
  • Flight targets(aircraft positions)
  • Fixes(waypoints and other)
  • Airspaces(sectors,FIRs, regions, protected airspaces, etc...)
  • Tracks/Runways
Spaceport Feasibility Studies

Spaceport Feasibility Studies

AS&T can geographically analyze the best grounds for Spaceport development. The suite of tools will analyze air routes, air traffic, controlled airspaces and special use airspace (SUA) in to ensure all of the requirments are met.

  • All airports that may be impacted due to the closure of Airspace
  • All the airways that will be impacted
  • The Air Traffic Control sectors that will have to be coordinated with to utilize the airspace
  • The various classes of airspace that could be impacted due to the closure of airspace (also in the excel tool as a risk driver)
  • All the SUA encompassed by the area-these with coordination with their respective controlling agency, these could be used to conduct the proposed operation since they are structured to accommodate closures.
  • SIDS and STARS are used to manage air traffic arriving into airports. Impacting these routes can have a larger impact to neighboring airports and their respective flights.

Severe Weather

Severe Weather

The airspace dynamics lab has a suite of utilities available to analyze the effects of severe weather activity on air traffic and provides mitigation strategies to reduce impact on national airspace system.
